
Termiticides – What’s new

Termiticides – What’s new At some time, sooner or later, we are all the victims of subterranean  termites.  There are several different control methods and products  available to homeowners.  For the last several years Termidor has been the cadillac of termiticides; however, Termidor now has some competition in the form […]


Lice The first thing to remember about lice is that they infest people not structures! Head lice can be a problem for customers who have small children in school – preschool, kindergarten or elementary.  Head lice can be transferred from person to person when ites (hairbrushes, hats, etc.) area shared […]

Fire Ants and Club Soda – Does it work?

Fire Ants and Club Soda – Does it work? Club soda kills fire ants? I don’t think so! Have you received a message about fire ants being killed with club soda delivered to your email box? Or perhaps you came across it while perusing gardening forums on the Internet? It […]

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