
Kitchen Ant Question

Question: Tiny black spec like insects smaller than ants coming out from the walls or from around kitchen sink area everytime I bring food out or leave a dish in sink or leave one crumb out they appear. I have thrown away all food i got from food pantry. From […]

Cockroach video- does it get any better?

I know y’all don’t have my love of cockroaches, but humor me here.  I know I’m always telling you how cockroaches are actually very clean because they groom themselves, but they just happen to sometimes inhabit gross areas.  Well, if you didn’t believe me, I now have back up!Science Friday […]

What to do when bees move in

I know that many people are concerned about honey bees and the decline in their population.  I don’t want to get into a dissertation on that topic, but instead provide information on what should be done when the turn into a pest.  What?  Did she just say honey bees and […]

Subterranean Termite; swarming season is upon us.

Subterranean Termite; swarming season is upon us. You get up one warm humid morning and suddenly you realize that there are tons of little winged creatures swarming all over your bathroom/living room etc.  What could they be?  Well you’ve just found out that your house has termites and since termites […]

What is IPM – Integrated Pest Management

What is IPM – Integrated Pest Management Integrated Pest Management is a process involving common sense and sound solutions for treating and controlling pests.  You should have a Pest Management Professional help you with the following solutions which incorporate three basic steps: Inspection Identification Treatment Your Pest Management Professional May advise you […]

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