
What is IPM – Integrated Pest Management

What is IPM – Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management is a process involving common sense and sound solutions for treating and controlling pests.  You should have a Pest Management Professional help you with the following solutions which incorporate three basic steps:

  • Inspection
  • Identification
  • Treatment

Your Pest Management Professional May advise you to make a few changes around your home inlcuding but not limited to:

  • Keep tree branches and vegitation well trimmed and away from the house
  • Stack firewood and lumber away from the house
  • Remove old tires from the yard that can fill up with water and provide breeding ground for pests
  • Clean out gutters and downspots regulary and thoroughly
  • Keep windows propery screened
  • If any food is consumed outside of the kitchen/dining room, remove dishes immediately after use
  • Vacuum frequently
  • Seal window frames
  • Keep garage door closed to prevent entry by wildlife, birds and rats and keep clean of clutter
  • Inspect boxes, grocery bags and other packaging to curb hitchhiking insects from entering your home
  • Pull soil or bark muclh away from foundation to reduce termite infestation
  • Seal food containers
  • Avoide letting trash or recycling pile up in outside bins and keep them closed
  • Store garbage in sealed containers and dispose of regularly
  • Water should be channeled from downspouts away from your foundation
  • Repair leaky pipes and hoses
  • Seal up small cracks, holes and crevices in visible areas and hidden areas such as under kitchen sink
  • Wipe counters and clean stoves to remove grease and food debris
  • Seal up cracks and crevices especially around pipes and wiring
  • Store pet goods in sealed plastic containers.  Be sure to limit the amount of time the food is out