

These arachnids are a huge problem in Texas and certainly create fear in most homeowners.

glowing scorpionThe most common scorpion in our area is the Striped Bark scorpion which can grow up to about 2 ½ inches long. Striped Bark scorpions have two broad, black stripes running the length of their back and a dark triangular mark on the front of the head above the eyes.

Scorpions hide during the day and become active at night.  Their bodies are flat and they hide in small cracks, and under stones, bark and other objects to wait for prey.  They eat small insects, spiders, centipedes, and other scorpions.

The adult scorpions have an average of 31 young.  These young scorpions live on Mom’s back about 3 to 7 days and are capable of stinging.  The average life span is 4 years.

The sting from Texas scorpions produce only moderate reactions in most people because the poison has little effect on the nervous system. Severity of the sting is dependent upon the individual scorpion and the person’s reaction to the venom. A person who is stung by a scorpion should be watched closely for adverse reactions.  As with any arthropod venom, allergic reactions are possible. An ice pack applied to the affected area will relieve some pain. If swelling and/or pain persists or if breathing difficulties occur, immediate medical attention is necessary.

 Scorpions are difficult to control with insecticides alone.  It is important that the homeowner remove all possible debris around the home perimeter such as logs, stones, and bricks.  Keeping grass closely mowed and bushes trimmed back from the house is also important.  Weather stripping, plugging weep holes, and caulking around any other entry points is helpful.